Monoeci Management SAM - International Corporate Solutions

Monoeci Management SAM

Monoeci Management SAM has been established in the Principality of Monaco since 1981, and provides bespoke corporate and trust administration as well as specialised fiduciary services to private individuals and corporate entities. Our aim is to provide a highly personalised and professional service to our clients. We take a long term view of our relationship with our clients, based on their specific circumstances, needs and objectives.

Professionally qualified, experienced and multi-lingual staff can assist you in many areas of your life and business.  With access to accountants, solicitors, trust and tax advisors we can help you through the intricacies of the modern tax and estate planning requirements in the jurisdictions where you reside, operate and hold assets.
We specialise in the provision of services to internationally active businesses, including Cross-Border Trade and Yacht Ownership and Technical and Safety Management. For more information on these yacht related services please refer to the Yacht Ownership Solutions website.


Cross-Border Trade

We have many years of experience of working with clients active around the five continents, and are able to provide solutions to assist them with the structuring, the administration and the protection of their business interests.

For corporate formation, we can arrange the constitution of an appropriate structure in a suitable jurisdiction, to organize properly the ownership of cross-border business interests or the handling of international trading activities, to optimise direct and indirect tax costs. We are able to offer company incorporations and deal with the on-going administrative burdens in many jurisdictions around the world.

We provide the administration services for such companies, with a view to facilitate the holding of business interests and trade, in addition to protecting and strengthening confidentiality with transactions. We also ensure that a complete and thorough follow up of the companies’ activities is maintained at a professional level.

Our aim is to provide support to entrepreneurs and business investors with the international structuring of their:

  • Trade and commercial ventures – trade finance and instruments;
  • Group organization, and creation, acquisition, holding, transfer and sale of companies;
  • Banking issues;
  • Accounting and statutory reporting;
  • Day to day business activities;
  • Legal and contractual issues.

And help them cope with different laws, practices and languages.

Our additional objectives are to assist our clients with their:

  • Understanding and application of the different international rules, regulations and practices;
  • Helping directors understand their corporate directors responsibilities and obligations;
  • Assistance with corporate governance and shareholders agreements;
  • Recognition of the ever growing number of international declaration obligations;
  • Legal and economic justification of transactions and investments;
  • Legal and fiscal protection of business investments;
  • Protection of business investments against the risks of disintegration or deterioration, as part of their family estate planning;
  • International tax optimization;
  • Structuring of Intellectual Property;
  • Making use of free-trade agreements;
  • Making use of International Investment Agreement protection (IIA)

Using the services provided by Rosemont in Hong Kong and Singapore we are able to provide privileged access to rapidly developing Asian markets.

Member of the Club des Entrepreneurs Monégasque en Afrique


Yacht Ownership & Management

Operating under the tradename Rosemont Yacht Services we can offer a wide spectrum of services relating to ownership and enjoyment of luxury yachts.

We provide a comprehensive service for the incorporation and the administration of yacht owning vehicles in a variety of suitable jurisdictions.  The choice of flag depends on each individual case, and must be analysed according to the client’s objectives and in light of their specific circumstances.

Our administration services include the provision of the company's registered address, shareholders, directors, maintenance of its registers and accounts, as well as the daily follow up of the company's activities.

We take care of commercial and pleasure registration procedures, obtain and maintain the yacht's statutory documents and registers, and handle the follow up administration for renewals or changes.

We can assist with obtaining marine and crew insurance as well as handling crew management. We are able to arrange yacht finance propositions adapted to clients' needs, through first class financial institutions for the acquisition, the building or the refit of yachts.

We can assist with the technical follow up, which includes classification, change of registration, refits, surveys and expert witnessing, through professional and experienced intermediaries through professional and experienced intermediaries with whom we work closely.

More precisely we are able to provide yacht owners / brokers with the following services:  

  • Legal assistance with regard to purchase or sale (legal representation, escrow agent duties, negotiation and/or drafting of the MOA, addendums and closing documentation, completion  meeting, yacht delivery and transfer of property);
  • Research and setting up of yacht financings whether classic marine mortgage loan of leasing (Introduction and brokerage with financial institutions, review of loan agreement, liaising with Bank officials and owner for the preparation and submission of all documentation required);
  • Tax optimisation;
  • Advice on the best structure and flag according among depending on the personal project of the owner, use of the yacht, areas of navigation and other considerations;
  • Formation and administration of companies and Trusts;
  • Yacht registration;
  • Yacht management;
  • Crew employment;
  • Charter licences etc..;
  • Research and setting up of insurance covers for the yacht and the crew;
  • Accounting and financial advice.